Locations In Indianapolis, IN

Care is the cornerstone of our service

Indianapolis, IN

Restore Your Smile Today!

Take Our 1-Minute Quiz Below To Find Out If You're Eligible For Dental Implants!

Watch: Our NEW Video Explains What Dental Implants REALLY Are And What Options Are Available To You.

Now that you know your options, fill out this short evaluation to see if YOU are eligible for dental implant treatment and what treatment would be best for you and your budget! 

Now that you know your options, fill out this short evaluation to see if YOU are eligible for dental implant treatment and what treatment would be best for you! 


Dr. John Pasicznyk

Dr. John Pasicznyk is considered one of the top dentists in the country. He is best known for his friendly and fun way of delivering dental care.

He has dedicated his career to being an innovator in the fields of implant and sleep dentistry. Dr. Pasicznyk graduated from the Indiana University School of Dentistry in 2010 and is a recognized international speaker, author, and leader in dentistry.

Hear our Patient's Experience At Northview Dental

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Complete The Evaluation Above To See If You're A Candidate, To Know The Pricing Options, & What Treatment Would Be Best For You

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250 Main Street, New York

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+ (12) 123 - 556 - 7890

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About Us

Our mission is to help transform lives through proper dental care by connecting patients with local reputable, and experienced dental implant providers.


Opening Hours

Monday - 08:00-17:00

Tuesday - 08:00-18:00

Wednesday - 08:00-18:00

Thursday - 08:00-18:00

Friday - 09:00-14:00

Saturday/Sunday - CLOSEDbroken image...


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*Subject to down payment and credit approval. Financing terms subject to change without notice.